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Frankfurt StoryDrive 2013

StoryDrive – all media conference

Frankfurt Book Fair, November 30. 1999

Have a look at our friend's all media event in October:

StoryDrive is the international forum for trends and innovation in media and entertainment. Since 2010, this event has focused on new forms of storytelling and pioneering business models. Leaders from the publishing, film, TV, and games industries, from marketing, design and sociology, gather here to present their visionary narrative concepts and to offer new perspectives on the media world of tomorrow. Under the motto “Fiction is real”, this year’s Frankfurt StoryDrive is dedicated to a new generation of stories. They’re from the future. They’re more realistic than ever. You can touch them, experience them with all your senses and actively influence them.

What is new this year is the conference’s concept itself. Based on the fishbowl method, the creators of StoryDrive have developed a format which allows the direct interaction between speakers and attendees. Instead of having a stage that creates great distance, StoryDrive comes up with the idea of a “conversational arena” where international experts and conference participants can meet each other at eye level.

StoryDrive takes place on Friday, 11th Oktober 2013.