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Special Exhibitions

Frankfurt Book Fair – Book Collections

Every year, the Frankfurt Book Fair compiles book collections with varying topics. These collections present some of the most outstanding new works from German publishing houses; they make current developments of the German publishing industry more visible and they stimulate rights sales.

Besides the “classic collections” – graphic novels, literary new releases, the DAM Architectural Book Award and the best-designed books from the German-speaking countries – as well as a collection of new children’s books, there are two new highlights in 2014: The „German Photo Book Award” presents prize winning books in the categories conceptual-artistic photo books, coffee table books, history/theory of photography, and photography textbooks. “Berlin’s museums”, on the other hand, is a name which speaks for itself – by discovering the museums of Berlin, readers get to know the charisma and the charm of Germany’s capital.

These book collections are shown in book fairs and exhibitions, in university libraries across the country, German language and literature faculties as well as other cultural institutions, drawing the attention of the Chinese publishing world and inviting an even larger number of readers to discover the pleasure of original German books.

Special Exhibitions: