STORYDRIVE collective exhibition
The StoryDrive collective exhibition jointly organized by Frankfurt Book Fair and German Book Office Beijing is a combination of exhibition space and exclusive business lounge for meetings with partners and clients during the five days of the Beijing Fair. Covering an area of more than 150sqm, the collective exhibition balances the traditional with the modern, displaying different faces and facets of how stories can be told. Exhibitors come from different fields of publishing-related industries: traditional publishing houses, companies with a focus on digital publishing and the TV and film industry as well as e-commerce, multimedia platforms and cultural organizations.Date & Venue
Exhibition Date: 28. May – 1. June 2018
Exhibition Location: North Suite (next to business center), 3rd Floor, China National Convention Centre (Beijing)
- Tabletop with your logo to display your products (2 sqm table area)
- Table and 3 chairs at attached business café with coffee and water catering
- Reception and information desk with multilingual staff (English, Chinese, German) and basic translation support
- 2 conference tickets for all days
- 2 entrance tickets to the CIFTIS fair
- Entry in printed conference programme brochure and the StoryDrive China Website in English and Chinese
- Further individualized marketing support on request (playback of corporate video; dedicated press announcements)
- Bookshelf with your logo for your titles (20-24) and marketing material
- Set-up and supervision of your exhibits
- Your product- and service description on the StoryDrive China Website in English and Chinese
- Further exhibition of your books in the offices of BIZ Beijing for 6 months after StoryDrive
* All prices excl. 3% business tax
For registration, please contact: Leonie Weidel |