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PIET VERHOEVE(皮耶特 • 菲尔荷韦)
Director of Innovation & Technology

Prof. Dr. Ir. Piet Verhoeve has a Master of Science degree in Electrical Mechanical Engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (1991) and a Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering from the Gent University (1998), Belgium.

He worked as a software architect in the domain of automatic speech recognition software at Lernout&Hauspie before he joined Televic in 2001. At first he was responsible for setting up innovation&research in collaboration with institutes, universities and engineering schools. Within four years he brought Televic from an unknown SME company to a well valued partner in several R&D projects collaborating with different universities on national and European level.

As of 2004 he started exploring the new upcoming home care market and how to define use cases to bring the potential of eHealth technologies (such as localization, reasoning, context awareness)to real life implementations within the operational healthcare market. In 2007 he continued towards the operational business lead for the niche market Healthcare as business unit manager where he acquired hands on valorization experience. In 2011 took up the position as Director of Innovation&Technology at a strategic level of the company to define and enable long term oriented strategic projects and alliances for the Televic niche markets.

In April 2013 he joined iMinds to lead he ICON program which focuses on interdisciplinary research collaboration between academic & industry organisations. Since 2011, Piet Verhoeve has taken up a position as guest professor at the Multimedia Lab research group of department ELIS (Electronics&information systems), faculty of applied engineering at the University of Gent. He is Sr.member IEEE and (co)author of several publications and patent applications.

Speakers: (in alphabetic order)
SYD ATLAS(席特 • 阿特拉斯) | KURT BEIDLER(白驹逸) | BO MI MOON(文普美) | JUERGEN BOOS(岳根 • 博思) | GAVIN BROWN(加文 • 布朗) | TRIONA CAMPBELL(翠奥娜 • 坎贝尔) | JAMES CHAU(周柳建成) | CHEN PENG(陈芃) | SVEN EHMANN(斯文 • 埃曼) | MICHAEL HEALY(迈克尔 • 希利) | HU XIAODONG(胡晓东) | BUNSHO KAJIYA(加治屋文祥) | LAO DU(老杜) | AMY LIU(刘新颖) | COLIN LOVRINOVIC(陆文翎) | MARTINA & SIMON(玛蒂娜 & 西蒙) | HYOE NARITA(成田兵衛) | CLAUDIUS NIESSEN(克劳迪尤斯 • 尼森) | FELIX RUDLOFF(菲利克斯 • 鲁德洛夫) | JEFFREY SHARP( 夏洁锐) | TAN YUE(谭跃) | PIET VERHOEVE(皮耶特 • 菲尔荷韦) | HOLGER VOLLAND(傅蓝) | WANG JIAMING(汪家明) | ERIC YANG(梁元锡) | YU DAN(于丹)